Who Am I?

Hi! My name is Diane Curtis-Knight and I’m an Advanced ADI Grade A (Approved Driving Instructor), who specialises in Vehophobia.

What is Vehophobia?

Vehophobia is the fear of driving and is a specific phobia.  Sometimes caused by a traumatic experience related to driving, the location or an event the causes anxiety in the victim.  It can be different for each person. For some it's a fear of motorways, for others it may be bridges, or perhaps close following of other drivers.  For some the traumatic event may have been a collision on the road, or maybe witnessing one.

However, some people can develop vehophobia after experiencing a panic attack that took place while driving, though they had no issues with driving prior to this attack and no actual traumatic event took place other than the panic attack.  But because of the way the brain works, it latches itself to the experience of driving and so the brain tells you it’s driving that is the problem. The subconscious brain is trying to protect you and tells you it wants to get away from what you’re doing. If this has happened while on the motorway for example, it relates it to motorway driving. From thereon you avoid motorways, and if left unchecked this can escalate to other roads and become problematic, if not completely debilitating.

As a driver trainer I will ensure your driving is as competent and safe as it can be without overloading you.

Who do I work with?

Anyone who can relate to the experiences above.
Anyone who deliberately chooses alternative routes just to avoid motorways, dual carriageway, open straight roads, steep down hills or even bridges.
Anyone who cancels meetings, turns down a job, make excuses to avoid a family gathering or a friends' get-together all because the thought of driving fills you with terror.

Who do I work with?

Anyone who can relate to the experiences above.
Anyone who deliberately chooses alternative routes just to avoid motorways, dual carriageway, open straight roads, steep down hills or even bridges.
Anyone who cancels meetings, turns down a job, make excuses to avoid a family gathering or a friends' get-together all because the thought of driving fills you with terror.

The Problem

Avoidance of certain types of roads or even a full journey is problematic.  Not just for the person who struggles with the anxiety but for other members of the family, colleagues and, or friends.  Life becomes restricted and sufferers end up living their lives on other peoples’ schedules, rely on sometimes unreliable public transport, expensive taxis, or worse they just don’t travel at all and miss out on many opportunities.  This may be putting strain on other members of the family as sympathy starts to wear thin.  Sufferers may be missing out on employment opportunities because they just can’t get there.  At best life is restricting. At its worse it’s debilitating.

How can I help?

What if you had the tools to help you feel empowered to go WHEREVER and WHENEVER YOU want to. What would that feel like?

Facing your fears will be hard, but taking the easy way out and avoiding them will be much harder in the long run.

I can’t land you that dream job, but I can help to give you the coping strategies to quieten the anxious chatter of the mind so you can feel more confident and competent while driving. Think about that... How much could that change your life?



As a driver trainer I will ensure your driving is as competent and safe as it can be without overloading you.

What are the benefits of investing in me?

I’ve been working in the driver education industry for nearly 20 years. I’m an advanced driver trainer and I have been working with vehophobic clients for many years. Through a client centred approach, I have provided various strategies and coached many phobic or highly anxious drivers to feel more comfortable and confident on roads they would previously have done anything to avoid.

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